Artificial Intelligence Posted on by 0 Artificial Intelligence Artificial intelligence is the simulation of human intelligence through machines and mostly through computer systems. ArtiContinue Reading
Machine Learning Posted on by 0 Machine Learning, the technologies that drive automated reasoning, learning, decision making and perception have already pervaded our lives both inContinue Reading
PostgreSQL Administration Posted on by 0 In this course you will learn the details of essential PostgreSQL Administration tasks including: the overall PostgreSQL architecture, configuratioContinue Reading
BigData & Hadoop Posted on by 0 The Big Data Hadoop Certification course is designed to give you in-depth knowledge of the Big Data framework using Hadoop and Spark, including HDFContinue Reading
Blockchain Fundamental Posted on by 0 Blockchain is a distributed digital ledger. It is an official record-keeper that can be used to verify data transactions over time in a way that isContinue Reading
Data Science Posted on by 0 This is a complete Data Science specialization training course from 4PA that provides you detailed learning in data science, data analytics, projecContinue Reading
Data Analytics with R Posted on by 0 Exploratory data analysis is an approach for summarizing and visualizing the important characteristics of a data set. Exploratory data analysis focContinue Reading